
August 7, 2012

Anonymous Commenting

I don't know about any of you other bloggers out there that are getting spammed, but it's driving me crazy and it is something that just recently started happening.  I am getting "Anonymous" comments that aren't posting to the blog, but hitting my e-mail directly.  They are all very vague or talk about issues with blogging and then attempt to get me to click a link.  Of course, I don't actually go to any of the links. 

The crazy part, they look exactly like they would if it was a real comment from an anonymous person commenting on my blog.  Take a look.

Is anyone else dealing with this?  How do you handle it? 

For the time being, I am just going to turn off Anonymous commenting, so if anything hits my inbox like this, I will just delete it and not worry about reading it.  I know that it might keep some people from commenting, but know that it is because I really would like to avoid getting hacked or get any type of virus.


  1. I've only had it happen to me once. Didn't show up in the blog itself but only into my email. I thought we had a spam detector is why it possibly did not show up in the blog itself.

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  4. 토토 Great post. I’m dealing with a few of these issues as well..

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