
August 27, 2012

I Remembered The Date!

My husband and I have been married for seven years today.  Happy Anniversary hunny! 

This year is extra special, because one of us finally remembered our Anniversary date correctly! 

We were married on the 27th, my husband always thought it was the 26th and I knew it was a day off, but I picked the wrong direction and thought it was the 25th. 

We have argued over it several times, I have pulled out our marriage certificate to only find we were both wrong...often. 

We have even celebrated it on the wrong day before.  I'm glad we both have a wonderful sense of humor about it all. 

I guess after seven years, someone had to get it right.  Congrats hunny, you got me this year!  Yes, I thought it was the wrong day, again! 

I'm happy that I married my best friend.  I love our honesty and our ability to laugh at ourselves and each other. 

I love that we share some hobbies together.  I really needed someone who has a love for power tools like I do.  

I love that our favorite movies to see together are awesomely bad action flicks. 

I'm glad that I knew I was going to marry you way back when you went to Kentucky.  I'm really glad that you came around to that idea years later! 

Happy Anniversary hunny!  I hope next year treats us as well as this past year has.  I love you!


  1. Happy Anniversary!!! Love the pics of your progressing love-life story! Especially the home coming pics. (I'm a Navy wife - so I have a few of those too) I just wanted to tell you how much I liked your stained glass mirror at SYTYC! GREAT JOB! I'm a quilter - so it's like quilting with glass. LOVE IT!

    1. Thank you! I love homecoming pics and I always get teary when I see other people's!
