
September 5, 2012

Photo 366 #36

This last week has been a whirl wind of crazy going on.  Getting Maben settled into Kindergarten was a little more difficult that I thought.  Colton missing his brother until he started school today.  I won So You Think You're Crafty, which still has me reeling with excitement.  And now, I have come down with a cold.  Booo!  I cannot wait until all these new routines become normal for the kids and myself.  Yup, routine shot right now, even this isn't getting put up on the right day!

August 28 - Colton showing off the last car that he earned for being a big boy and potty training.

August 29 - Colton showing off his grand prize for potty training; a new Cars blanket.  YAY FOR NO MORE DIAPERS!!!

August 30 - My husband bought me some roses for our anniversary.  This one just looked different than all the others while opening.  I thought it was rather beautiful.

August 31 - This giant swallowtail has been my unicorn all summer long.  They have been floating and fluttering through my backyard and I have been dying to get a photo of one, but he was very elusive.  While I was at the nursery, one danced around this flowering shrub long enough for me to capture him. 

September 1 - Here is how Animal likes to sleep.  It doesn't look comfortable, but it always makes me laugh.  I'm convinced he is half cat.

September 2 - The plants that I picked up from the nursery.  This will be my fall garden.  Yay for two growing seasons in Texas!

September 3 - I busted out my Cricut for what turned into a crafting fail.  Ehhh, it happens to us all doesn't it?

September 4 - Colton on his first day of preschool.  He had an amazing day.  Upon arrival he greeted me by almost tackling me with a hug.  Once we got to the car he said, "My name is Colton with two oooooo O's! I played blocks, cars, dinner, played on the playground and painted. It was a monster, I colored a monster too! GRRRRRR!"  I love my little monster.  Hmmm, I wonder if they were self portraits?

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