
September 18, 2012

Photo 366 #38

It is actually feeling like fall here in Texas.  We are out of the triple digits, cooler nights and overall, much more tolerable weather.  I am getting outside more and it feels great. 

September 11 - What a life changing day.  Last year I started a service project with my MOMS Club to give back on September 11 to those who serve our community.  We chose to bake goodies and write thank you notes to Police officers, firefighters, soldiers, etc.  All those people who give to our community and may not always feel that they are truly appreciated.  The MOMS Club continued it this year and here is a photo of Colton outside our local Texas National Guard Armory after we delivered lots of goodies with a friend of mine.  Her little girl was cropped out of the pic, (cutest little girl too) because I completely forgot to ask permission to post the pic with her in it.

September 12 - I love how perfect nature is.  This tendril from my cucumber plant had me in awe.

September 13 - Colton's preschool does devotions in the morning and they usually start it off with a fun song for the kids to sing and dance to.  Colton loves to run up there, then just stands there.  Today he just looked "too cool for school" while rocking his sunglasses. 

September 14 - This is a pic of Colton's first painting brought home from school.  He told me he made a, "Scary Grrrrr monster," out of circles.

September 15 - After quite a bit of rainfall, I had some very delicate mushrooms pop up in my garden.  I picked one to examine it and then placed it on the edge of my raised garden bed.  The contrast of the delicate mushroom and pattern created in the wood end grain was just beautiful to me.

September 16 - I bought some new paintbrushes for the kids to use.  They are AWESOME!  They are watercolor brushes, but in the handle, it holds the water.  No more kids knocking over the water cup.  They just need to squeeze the handle a little and the water comes out by drops.  Love these.  I even have a set.  Here is a link to the set I bought the kids.

September 17 - While driving around with Colton today, I have noticed that the hawks have discovered it's fall.  I am seeing many more hawks in the area.  I really hope that my leucistic hawk makes a comeback, but until then, I will keep admiring all the others in the area.

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