
November 21, 2012

Photo 366 #47

Happy Turkey Week!  I've been busy going to class parties, having family in town, general busyness that I didn't get this up on time.

November 13 - Colton and I went on a picnic to a local park and found all sorts of birds.  We saw ducks, coots, vultures, a kingfisher and some cormorants, including this one.  They have such a pretty teal eye. 

November 14 - Lots of bird action in the backyard lately.  I was trying to get some pics of warblers, but this mockingbird is all I got.

November 15 - My dad and his wife came to town for a few hours on their way to Florida.  Here is a photo of them with my kiddos.

November 16 - The red admirals have been out in full force at my house.  Every afternoon I get quite a few in my back yard.  They love to sun themselves.  Here is one sunning itself on top of the cozy coupe car.

November 17 - Look, I'm fixing my phone!  I refuse to upgrade.  The side casing started to peel back after I dropped it, again.  So, some CA glue and a clamp to the rescue.  It worked.

November 18 - I hit up the store childless to get all the stuff for Thanksgiving and when I got to the store, someone's truck was all up in this sign and cops and tow trucks present.  It just added to the already craziness that was going on at the store.  Here is what's left of the sign.

November 19 - Another beautiful red admiral sunning itself in my back yard.

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