
July 24, 2012

Photo 366 #30

There have been some amazing skies this week.  Well, more like amazing clouds.  It had made one thing clear to me, I am not great at photographing clouds.  I need to get better at that.  At least I got one that turned out well this week.

July 17 - The only good cloud shot I got.  Many of the clouds reminded me of Maxfield Parish paintings.  It was so pretty out.

July 18 - I saw a really cool photograph of a sun setting while laying in and focusing on the grass.  This was my attempt at that.  Not great, not bad.

July 19 - This is a hawk's nest the kids and I have been watching.  Not sure of the specific breed as if we got any closer than the 100-150 yards, we would be trespassing.  There were at least two babies this year.

July 20 - We were invited to go swimming at a friend's house.  Her daughter is in gymnastics and starting flipping into the pool, so Maben did too.  It was a little scary and really cool to watch.  Don't worry, he wasn't as close to the edge as it looks.

July 21 - The kids and I went on an after dinner walk and the light dancing on the tall grasses was just beautiful.

July 22 - Animal, the biggest baby in the house always wanting some love.  I get this look from him a lot.  I am just glad I was able to do it justice.

July 23 - And he sleeps!  Colton is into that stage where he doesn't really nap anymore, even though he really needs it.  This was 5 or 6 days in a row without napping before he finally allowed himself to go down.

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