
August 28, 2012

Photo 366 #34 & 35

Yeah, with the craziness of the finale last week, plus getting my oldest ready for Kindergarten, I was not able to get last week's Photo 366 up.  I am combining the last two weeks together.  Be prepared for photo overload!

August 14 - Some screws that I was using when making my hand turned wood bracelet.

August 15 - Went to a small water park with the kids.  They had a blast!  Wish I knew about this place earlier in the summer.

August 16 - I think this is one of the better product style photos I have ever taken.  I think this Photo 366 challenge has definitely helped me in that area of photography.

August 17 - Pic of a little tank made from bullet casings that I got for my husband.

August 18 - After a very light rain, I went out to my car and found this feather stuck to it.  I'm fairly certain that a dove flew into my car for this to get there like that, as it wasn't windy at all, and this is the side of my car.  They don't seem to be the brightest of birds.

August 19 - Getting my tools ready to cut the large mirror.

August 20 - My dog Animal basking in the sunlight in the backyard.

August 21 - How I often looked over the last few weeks.  Gear up!

August 22 - Very late at night, just after I hung the mirror completed on the wall!  Whew, it didn't fall down!

August 23 - Saw this sticker placed on a stop sign near my house and love it!  A great message, "Live Without Fear!"

August 24 - The kids and I caught this tree lizard to inspect it.  It has the tiniest little nails.  We released him shortly after catching him.

August 25 - I noticed this rainbow on my wall/ceiling.  Thought it was pretty, so I took a photo of it.  I can thank the reflector from my bike outside for this.

 August 26 - Maben has decided he is going to be the next American Ninja Warrior.  Here he is practicing his climbing skills in the hallway.

August 27 - First day of Kindergarten.  This is his favorite, "I'm cute" pose.  I have to agree he is super cute!

1 comment:

  1. Busy, busy! I love the picture of the lizzard. Great shot. The mirror is pretty awesome too ;)
