
September 13, 2012

Photo 366 #37

Sorry this is getting put up so late this week.  I was surprised by a lot of changes happening this week and very quickly.  It definitely put stress on everyone in my house and am glad that it is subsiding so I can get back to our normally scheduled programming! :P

Also, I included an extra photo in last week, so this week I will only be posting 6 photos to get back to the normal flow of things.

September 5 - I thought I had taken a photo of Maben at gymnastics.  Not sure what happened, but all I have is a pic of the mats.  I took this photo so I could adjust my white balance to take a photo of Maben.  Oh well, at least I took a photo!

 September 6 - Here is my fall garden.  It currently has tomatoes, cilantro, cauliflower, broccoli and cucumbers.  Here in south Texas, we get two growing seasons.

September 7 - I decided to be a little girly and paint my nails.  I think it's been about a year since I did it last.  Maben told me my nails looked like a party and they were pretty.

September 8 - Colton has shown quite an interest in our workshop lately, so my husband was helping Colton saw a piece of scrap lumber.  They also hammered some nails together.  It was so cute!

September 9 - I took the kids to the zoo and my kids love the monkeys.  Here is a mama and baby red-tailed monkey hanging out together.

September 10 - I met up with some friends to head to a nearby park that has rescued animals at it.  Here is an emu checking me out.  Such big beautiful brown eyes!

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