
October 16, 2012

Photo 366 #42

What a very fun week.  I look back on this week and I remember a lot of gymnastics, between classes and birthday parties for the boys.  I hit up a bootcamp class twice.  (Yup, those are fun for me, even though I want to die by the end)  I finished a fun drawing (to be shown later this week), I painted with the boys and turned a new pen.  I have definitely needed a week like this where I just really felt like a am in my creative stride.

October 9 - I wanted to revisit my DIY Bird Feeder.  It is my number one post on this alot!  I never imagined how popular this would be.  The birds still love it and look forward to a blog post answering a whole lot of questions about the feeder.  That is an inca dove resting up on top and two sparrows enjoying some food.

October 10 - It's bird migration time and the hawks have been appearing everywhere!  Especially on light posts.  It's fun to see if I can pull out my camera fast enough at a stop sign (when there is no traffic) to see if I can snap a quick pic.

October 11 - A peek of a very out of focus pen that I turned.  Don't worry, I will show a much better photo of it in another blog post.

October 12 - I love some of the stuff that kids draw, say, do.  This reads, "I use my head to protect my brain."  Anyone see the irony between the picture drawn and the sentence below? 

October 13 - My husband is in Toastmasters.  He has been competing in an evaluation contest and won the second round Saturday!!!  Here's the top of his 1st place trophy.  Yay hunny!  Congratulations.

October 14 - Maben's school encourages families to come together and paint a pumpkin with one of the child's favorite literary characters.  Maben chose the Beautiful Butterfly from, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."  He helped paint most of that.  We (and I mean I) wanted to paint the egg on the leaf and the caterpillar.  Might as well fill up the pumpkin.  Don't worry, Maben will help with those too. 

October 15 - Colton had his first gymnastics class today and he loved it!  I am hoping they teach him how to do things a little safer, because I have an Evel Knievel, no...strike that, a Super Dave Osborne on my hands. 

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