
October 23, 2012

Photo 366 #43

This week has been a lot of fun.  Fall field days for Colton, I finished helping Maben paint his pumpkin, playing on lots of playgrounds, a family trip to Ikea.  Now, if only my allergies would take a break, life would be pretty good. 

October 16 - There have been some killer sunrises and sunsets lately.  Thankfully this one got better as it rose and waited to peak while I was walking Maben to school.  Love the clouds.

October 17 - I thought I took a photo today.  What I didn't realize until the following day is that my SD card was still in my computer.  Awesome!  So, day 2 of no photo in my 366.  All in all, not bad...but still disappointed.

October 18 - Colton had his fall field days today.  Despite his sour looking puss, he had a wonderful time.  This is the face I get when I interrupt his fun for a photo.

October 19 - I met some friends up at the Houston Zoo for Zoo Boo.  Colton dressed up and got to do some Trick-or-Treating while I admired the animals.  I swear I love the zoo more than my kids.  Here is an amazing shot of an Ocelot that I got.

October 20 - Family trip to Ikea for a futon.   What I didn't realize is that it was Ikea's birthday and they decided to celebrate with cake balls donning a Swedish flag and a mariachi band.  Does anyone else find that as funny as I do?

October 21 - Maben and I finished up our, "Very Hungry Caterpillar," pumpkin.  It looks amazing!

October 22 - After school I usually let the boys play on the playground at the elementary school.  Today Colton fell off the monkey bars a few more times than usual, his face definitely shows it.  He is happiest when he is dirty.

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