
October 30, 2012

Photo 366 #44

It's fall.  It's finally fall in Texas!  I've enjoyed my first cup of hot chocolate and excited.  I am finally getting into the fall spirit, too bad it takes almost all of October to get there.  I haven't even decorated for Halloween. 

October 23 - Colton didn't scowl on stage at Preschool today.  We are making progress!  He didn't sing or dance, but he didn't scowl!

October 24 - Maben got to dress up like what he wants to be when he grows up.  They did this for Red Ribbon week and probably since they can't dress up for Halloween at school.  This was the first time Maben deviated from wanting to be a sheriff.  This morning Maben decided he wanted to be a tank commander.  Dad and Grandpa are so proud!  (Both former tank commanders in the Army)  With very little time to throw something together, camo pants, a tank shirt and the kevlar cover taped down with army issue 100 mile hour tape to Maben's bicycle helmet is how I pulled it off.  He was so proud and loved all the positive attention from the 5th graders.

October 25 - I have tomatoes in my garden!  19 and counting.  Of course, after I discover this, it's suppose to get cold.  So far they are holding out, even after reaching frost level cold at night.

October 26 - Date night with hubby.  Had to rock the self photo again, until Maben's skills get better.

October 27 - We went to a demonstration put on by the Houston Audubon Society.  Maben was very intrigued and engaged, especially when they pulled out a red-tailed hawk and great horned owl.  Meet Tskili. 

October 28 - Colton in the back of my husband's truck sporting daddy's hard hat.

October 29 - Jumping on the fall season bandwagon very late.  Hit the pumpkin patch this morning to get at least Colton's photo in the pumpkin patch.

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