
March 8, 2013

Creative Exercise: Monsters

I have been crawling out of a creative funk and it feels GOOOOOOD!  I started with cleaning up and rearranging my craft/art room.  I have set forth a few creative goals.  I also just want to start drawing and painting for no real purpose other than to do it because, it makes me feel relaxed.

Today I decided to do a creative exercise.  I asked Colton what I should draw/paint and he said monsters.  Monsters it is!

I started out with a stack of ATC (Artist trading cards).  They are small pieces of art paper that are 2.5 x 3.5 inches.

I heisted the sticky googly eyes from the kids craft box.  I randomly stuck them on the ATC's.

From here, I took an artist pen and drew my monsters.  The inspiration for each monster was all about the eyes.

I then grabbed my watercolor paints and a few markers and brought my monsters to life with color.

I love all my monsters.  It was so much fun and relaxing to make these little monsters.

Does anyone want a monster?  I am willing to mail out monsters to the first six people who comment.  I will e-mail the first six for their addresses, so please make sure I have an e-mail address to contact you with.

Sharing this over at:
Tatertots and Jello:  Weekend Wrap Up Party 
So I Married A Craft Blogger:  Man Up Link Up XII


  1. Those are awesome!! Still wish I was as crafty, creative as you :P Sabrina

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why thank you! You get a monster!

  4. I LOVE it! What a neat idea to do with the kids on a rainy day. I would love to see what my girls come up with. You could also do some fun t-shirts with this technique, I bet!

  5. Three of these monsters have been spoken for, but three more left for grabs!
