
March 25, 2013

We're At It Again

Tis' the season for outdoor improvements.  My husband and I both think that outdoor space needs to be functional.  Since we moved into this house almost 6 years ago, we have been slowly transforming it to be exactly what we want it to be.  Last year brought the biggest changes with our slate patio and walkway. 

Can you believe that we took this nasty mosquito trap and turned it into the patio and walkway without having to buy a single piece of slate? 

After all that hardscaping, we still had slate leftover, and when unearthing all the stone, we also had concrete steppers as well.  We put them to use and took care of a spot in our yard that with every rain storm would do under water and become a lovely mud pit for the dogs.

Can you believe we still have slate leftover?  It's true and I have no idea how we are going to use it up.  I'm sure I will come up with something. 

Now, our next project involves this lovely pile of stone that my husband procured with some hard work and sweat from Lowe's.  They discontinued these, when my husband asked if they had any in stock and was told they no longer carry them, he asked about the ones being used on a display.  Well, they were tearing it down and let my husband help with that process.  YAY!  Free stone! 

Now, I am hoping in the next few weeks our next project will be ready for a reveal.

Anyone else DIYing their landscape?  Like up in the comments if you are, I love to get inspired, especially before it gets to hot to work in South Texas heat.


  1. Why don't you do simple landscaping with your yard? Surely it will add more beauty and value to your home.

    castlerock patios
