
April 9, 2013

Beer Can House

You read that right, Beer Can House!!!  Houston is so awesome.  John Milkovisch was the brain behind the operation, although he must have had one amazing wife to let him do it all. 

View from the street.


Original state of the house.

The story behind the Beer Can House at 222 Malone started simply with a man who enjoyed beer and transformed his yard with stone and concrete because he didn't like to mow the lawn.

And here is the culprit that started it all.  The wheelbarrow that hauled the stone, concrete and supplies.  I love how they have put it on display!

Everywhere you turn, there is something whimsy and fun.  You cannot help but smile when you walk around the property.

He didn't decorate with just beer cans, but boy are there a lot of marbles and beer bottles too!

Marble Fence.

After John covered the grounds, he started on the house. 

Beer can siding.

Rear of the house.
Quote from John.
Close up of his beer can wind chimes that adorn the house from the roof.
Walking around and hearing the wind chimes, you could feel the love.  Not often do I find so much metal and concrete to be comforting and relaxing.  I wish I could have met John.

The one thing that I take away from visiting the beer can house is to keep creating what makes me happy.  I want to leave a legacy that represents me and no other.


  1. Did he drink all those beers?

  2. You forgot to mention that the stones he collected were from the park down the street, and they wonder how it is they never noticed that many rocks were missing. It was an awesome experience to be able to witness his work.
