
May 22, 2013

Teacher Gifts: Round 1

Tuesday was the last day of preschool for Colton.  He was adorable in his end of the year program and actually participated on stage without picking his nose!  I call that a big win!

Colton was on the opposite side of the stage from where I sat.  No way to predict in what order they will stand on stage.  I was able to get a couple decent photos, that also showed off the awesome shirt that the teachers Made for each kid.  Hand print suns with everyone's names on their hand print.  Too cute!  The best photo came from the last song where the entire preschool was singing.  Thankfully that was right in front of where I was sitting.   Here is my cutie hamming it up!

As far as gifts go, Colton's lead teacher received this stained glass frog.

I chose a frog for her due to her entire classroom being decked out in frogs and the only thing she had hanging in her window throughout the year was children's artwork on occasion.  She loves it!

The assistant teacher had hinted a few times this year how much she loved the other teacher's pen.  (I made her one back when she taught Maben in art).  I had to make one just for her.

Her favorite color is purple, so it was easy to choose purple heart as the wooden portion and I paired it with a pen with some bling.  She loves it!

My heart couldn't be happier than to give two very unique gifts to two very deserving teachers and have them both be thrilled to receive them.  What a wonderful day.  So thankful that they provided a very wonderful first year of preschool for Colton.

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