
July 15, 2013

Colorado Vacation: Birthdays and Family

The best part of the vacation to Colorado is that I got to see 4 (yup 4!) of my 5 siblings (we were missing one).  Actually, to break down all the family I got to see, 2 brothers, 2 sisters, 2 sister-in-laws, 1 brother-in-law, 1 nephew, 2 nieces and a partridge in a pear tree.  :) 

Everyone but my little brother was able to come to my birthday get together at my sister Julie's house.  As I posted previously, I got to meet my newest niece.  So precious!  It was also fun watching the older kids play, bringing all the cousins back together.  Excited to know my missing brother will be adding a cousin to the mix this fall!

All the cousins, so far.

Happy 32nd Birthday To Me!

My birthday wasn't the only one.  My niece Jordie celebrated her birthday just two days after mine.

A far better looking birthday girl than myself. :)  She was a princess for a day and finished off her day at Chuck E. Cheese.

Happy 7th Birthday Jordie!!!

My little brother was also able to make an appearance before we hit the road for home.  

This is how a new dad does pics.  He will eventually get the hang of photos with wild and crazy kids I'm sure.

I was able to see long time friends and show off most of the old stomping grounds.  I got lots of relaxation and quality time with family.  I am feeling very recharged after vacation and have quite a few creative ideas that I want to produce and show off. 

But, before all that happens, I have one more vacation post and this shameless sisters photo. 

I love my sisters!

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