
July 25, 2013

Embroidered Pencil Cup

I have always loved Southwestern Design, but haven't been brave enough incorporate it into my wardrobe too much.  But I did find a way to put it on my art desk.

I found this pencil cup at Dollar Tree, for (gasp!) a dollar!  Plus tax.  : / I had the embroidery thread from my mom.  That plus a needle and you have all you need to decorate a pencil cup.

I doubled up the thread because I needed it thicker.  I would have used yarn, but I gave it all away after I failed miserably, AGAIN, at attempting to learn how to crochet. 

I made sure my stitches covered up the tail, so the inside of the cup wouldn't look too shabby. 

I did this without a plan, knowing that I wanted to incorporate at least one arrow.  I ended up with two because I liked it so much and one stripe. 

Are you dying to try this yet?  I want to do another one.  I might have to go back to Dollar Tree tomorrow.

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