
July 19, 2013

{PIN}spiration: Stained Glass Bicycle Wheel

When I saw this bicycle wheel over on Pinterest, I about flipped out with excitement!  It is seriously one of the coolest things I have seen in a while.  I had to recreate it in my own way. 

I didn't do an exact recreation, I typically don't.  I use it as inspiration.  I decided to do various geometrical shapes.  The great part was, I angled enough in the same direction that if the wind catches it, it will spin.

I have my friend Bobbi to thank for the wheels.  I was over at her house one night and told her about it.  She is as crazy and creative as I am, so the very next morning, I found bicycle wheels on my front porch.  How awesome is that?!?!?

So, this particular stained glass bicycle wheel is adorning Bobbi's front yard as a thank you for all the wheels she gave me over the next few days.  Now I need to make one for my yard. 

1 comment:

  1. What did you use to mount the rim and allow it to be put into the ground?
