
July 9, 2013

Colorado Vacation: Red Rocks Amphitheater

My absolute favorite place to escape is Red Rocks.  I grew up right down the road in Lakewood, CO.  I distinctly remember being able to hear the music from one of our houses in which we lived.  You could see the trail of cars coming down Dinosaur Ridge after the concert was done. 

This is a place that I have no only seen concerts, but escaped to.  On a clear day, you can easily see downtown Denver.  I have run the stairs, snuck in at night to look at the stars and just hung out and listened to people take full advantage of the natural acoustics. 

Where I am standing here at the top, in my day, was always referred to as God's country.  What a beautiful view.

My kids had a lot of fun climbing the rocks behind the stage.  This was a favorite place of mine to curl into as well.

The one thing that took me by surprise (as I haven't been here in over 10 years) was the new visitor's center and museum located at the top of the amphitheater, situated behind the "God's country," seating and located one story below. 

This area of Coloado is known for dinosaurs, so it was cool to see some tracks and the jaw bone of a T-rex that you could touch.  Take that normal science museum!  No getting kicked out for touching the specimens.  I like that.  Just proof that Red Rocks gets better and better.

Inside the museum, one of the walls was lined with lists, sorted by years of which bands headlined shows here.  Many of the greats played here.  The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix to name a few.  I took a photo of this one, since it contained one of the concerts that I saw here.

With Red Rocks being nestled above the small town of Morrison, CO, the overpopulation on Denver hasn't quite hit here like it has other areas.  I remember seeing wildlife here in my younger years, but not quite like this.

A mule deer came down the edge of the seating, along one of the boulders and popped out (surprising a few people) from behind a drink tent. 

Good thing I can switch lenses quickly.  I didn't want to get too close to the deer.  I've seen, When Animals Attack.  So glad I have a telephoto.

I also identified a new bird for Maben and I.  This is a Say's Phoebe, a type of flycatcher.  We saw quite a few of these diving and weaving in the air and then retreating into small holes in the rocks.

All three of my boys enjoyed coming here.  I am glad that I could share one of my favorite places on Earth with them.

A list of the bands that I have seen here:
AFI, Poe, Jane Jensen, The Odds, L7, Social Distortion, The Offspring, Goo Goo Dolls, No Doubt, Bush.  I'm sure there are a few I have forgotten, as it's been around 15 years since I have seen a concert here.

I also got to watch one of my brothers and both of my sisters walk across that stage for graduation.

Have you ever been to Red Rocks?  What was the occasion?  I would love to know. 


  1. I need to go to Colorado again!

    1. Yes you do, and I can give you a list a mile long of all the places you would need to go.
