
July 8, 2013

Colorado Vacation: Wildflowers

My husband and I drove our children all the way from Houston, TX to Denver, CO to visit my family to have a vacation, celebrate my birthday, celebrate my niece Jordie's birthday, see my new niece Julia, take the boys on their first real camp out and just have a great time!  All week, I will be posting photos from my vacation, grouped by categories.

It was wildflower time up in the mountains.  On our camping trip, there was beauty all around us.  The weather was mostly great, a few rain showers happened, but that didn't dampen our spirits.  The mountains were in desperate need of the rain and it just helped the wildflowers look even better.

Alpine Yarrow
Aspen Sunflower

Maben blowing a dandelion seed head.

Colorado State Flower: Colorado Columbine

Not sure what flower this is, any ideas?



Wild Iris
Most of the photos were taken in Golden Gate Canyon State Park.  The photo of the thistle was taken at Red Rocks Amphitheater

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