
August 28, 2013

HTML is Going to Kill Me

So, I have been giving myself a crash course in HTML so I can put together a project gallery to help make my blog easier to navigate for older posts.  I am failing miserably right now, even when it comes down to using the HTML that other bloggers have graciously offered up.  I will figure this out!  This Labor Day weekend, I will not be relaxing, I will be laboring over my blog. 

In the meantime, not all my creativity has been stifled by my agonizing over HTML.  I have been practicing some wood burning and painting with wood dyes.  I showed this off over at my facebook page but I love it so much I need to show it here too.

Curly Maple board and I used Mixol wood dyes

Any link that takes you to Amazon is an affiliate link, like the one above. 


  1. So beautiful. I need to learn this technique!

    1. Thank you. I am still figuring it all out myself. Still very new to pyrography.
