
August 26, 2013

The 1st Day of 1st Grade

I know some people have started school already, some haven't, but here in the Houston area, today was the day! 

Maben was a big brave boy and put up the least amount of resistance going to school this year than in the past few years. 

We were out the door in time to take some photos!  All the other 1st days, I felt rushed trying to get all the ducks in a row and out the door.

Maben even wanted to ham it up for the camera!  He is coming to the age where he doesn't really want to do that anymore.  He rolls his eyes at me and won't smile, but not today.

His nerves didn't come out until he was in his classroom.  The nice part was I could walk him to class and help him through his anxiety by showing him what his routine would be in the morning.  Once he knew where to put his backpack and lunch box, the anxiety subsided and he told me to leave.

He declared he had a great first day.  Even after we got caught in a massive downpour on the walk home, it was smiles all around. 

The best thing he told me today was, "Mom, every day I get one day bigger and older and smarter and that's why I am in first grade."  How true that is. 

So, here is to a great start to a new school year.  I hope that it continues to bring him wisdom and smiles.

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