Preschool Class Craft: Part 1
Preschool Class Craft: Part 2
Last night I was able to complete the planter boxes (mostly) on either side of the bench.
Now, there were a few minor mishaps that happened. I broke two drill bits. Sorry hunny! I plan on replacing them. The other thing I discovered? See the photo below.
Once that small problem is fixed, the construction of the planter boxes will be DONE! All I have left in regards to construction is the bench. Then a whole bunch of other steps, but I don't want to give away everything yet. There is still the part about how the kids are coming into play on this whole process.
Stay tuned!!!
BTW...showing this off over at Sawdust and Paper Scraps.

Erin, these are fantastic! Sounds like they gave you a hard time (kickback, splitting, broken bits...) but your hard work is paying off. I can't wait to see the finished project, bench and all. Thanks for linking up!