February 14, 2011

Sketch Book Cover

I have talked about wanting to draw more and fill an entire sketchbook.  I went out and bought a sketchbook and that same day saw this awesome tutorial over at Momma Go Round and decided I could tweak it for a sketchbook.

Isn't it just beautiful!?!  I love how it turned out.

After I saw the original tutorial, I started thinking about it and wanted to make it work better for me.  I wanted a way to carry at least a few pens or pencils around with me at all times, so I decided to add a pocket.  It didn't want to do a full tutorial on how to add a pocket, because I honestly didn't know if it would work.  I will definitely have to do this again, because it turned out much better than I had thought it would. 

It holds 5-6 pens or pencils without them bunching up on top of each other.  So, it remains relatively flat.  I can definitely shove more in there if I don't care about any bulkiness.

Now, if this doesn't give me some motivation to start using a sketchbook...I honestly don't know what will.

Thank you Nina over at Momma Go Round for the inspiration.

Oh, and I almost forgot...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

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